Dynamics of Eye Dominance Behavior in Virtual Reality

Franziska Prummer, Ludwig Sidenmark and Hans Gellersen

Journal of Eye Movement Research 2024

Prior research has shown that sighting eye dominance is a dynamic behavior and dependent on horizontal viewing angle. Virtual reality (VR) offers high flexibility and controlforstudying eyemovement and human behavior, yet eye dominance has not been given significant attention within this domain. In this work, we replicate Khan and Crawford’s (2001) original study in VR to confirm their findings within this specific context. Additionally, this study extends its scope to study alignment with objects presented at greater depth in the visual field. Our results align with previous results, remaining consistent when targets are presented at greater distances in the virtual scene. Using greater target distances presents opportunities to investigate alignment with objects at varying depths, providing greater flexibility for the design of methods that infer eye dominance from interaction in VR.

Franziska Prummer, Ludwig Sidenmark and Hans Gellersen. Dynamics of Eye Dominance Behavior in Virtual Reality. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 17(3):2. ISSN: 1995-8692



    author= {Franziska Prummer, Ludwig Sidenmark and Hans Gellersen}, 
    title= {Dynamics of Eye Dominance Behavior in Virtual Reality},  
    year = {2024}, 
    journal={Journal of Eye Movement Research},
    url = {https://doi.org/10.16910/jemr.17.3.2}