5th GEMINI Team Meetup in Lancaster

7-10 June 2023

We’ve held our biggest-ever team meetup in Lancaster. On the Lancaster side, we’ve doubled in size since our last meeting, with three new postdocs (Anam, Yasmeen, Florian) and Ruby, our most recent PhD student. This time, we’re joined by Germán, Assistant Professor at Aarhus University and Denis, who will be interning with us over the summer.

Putting Hans on the spot to provide objectives and expectations for the meetup. Over three days, we held plenty of talks on project updates, fruitful discussions and demos.


We also shared lots of meals together on campus and in town. One tradition we try to keep is to have a closing party, which happened to be a summer outdoor BBQ for this meetup.


Short paper accepted at INTERACT 2023


GEMINI Team attends ETRA 2023